“No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.” - Sheryl Crow
It’s the happiest day of your life, but not without a lot of planning, organisation, and the occasional floral emergency. A wedding is one of those big moments in life that can have you biting off more than you can chew, especially in the weeks leading up to the big day. Being prepared with stress-busting solutions could help you feel calmer, enjoy your day that little bit more, and start married life off in a state of total relaxation. Here are some tips for those overwhelmed brides out there:
Sleep = focus
If you’re one of the many people who lose sleep before a big event, then considering how you will improve on your sleep quality beforehand could help you get the rest you need. While it’s true that there can be a lot of admin to tackle while planning your wedding, remember to turn off any screens a few hours before bed to limit your exposure to blue light. You may also want to try getting a sufficient amount of exercise in during the day to ensure a good night’s sleep, and of course, give yourself a bit of extra time for your bedtime ritual by hitting the hay early. Basically, prioritise sleep even when there is lots to do, as this will help you be more productive and efficient when awake.
If you want something a little extra to improve the overall quality of your sleep, our Sleep Well Balm can be applied to your wrists and neck before bed; breathing in the calming blend of 14 essential oils like lavender and chamomile can help you get the rest you need.
Delegate and share the love
There’s no doubt you will have chosen your bridal party because they are the ones who love you most, and they’re here to support you during this busy time - keep this in mind when things start to get even busier! More often than not, your bridesmaids and family will be dying to get involved in the wedding planning, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed with errands and tasks and wedding admin, why not go for lunch with Team Bride and talk it all out?
A problem shared is a problem halved, after all, so telling them what’s on your mind, getting their helpful advice, and delegating tasks to them could help to relieve some of the pressure and have you enjoying the wedding prep once again.
Don’t worry, be happy
In the days leading up to the wedding, it’s not uncommon to feel like you have so much to do that you forget the reason you’re doing all of this in the first place; a wedding is about celebration, love, and connection, so try not to forget this when you have a list as long as your arm to get through. Be proactive with your happiness and boost it with our Be Happy Balm, otherwise known as ‘sunshine in a stick’. This uplifting citrus and mint blend delivers an instant burst of positivity and is perfect as a portable reminder to take a deep breath and enjoy the process, no matter what challenges it brings. Plus… it’s the ideal size to hide inside your bouquet!
Are you planning a wedding and have some tips of your own to share? Let us know on our social media channels.