If you have teenagers running around the house, you’re probably all too familiar with the stress that comes with raising them and keeping your cool. Around the age of 10-12 years old, children go through a lot of physical and mental changes that are well known as ‘puberty’. Girls start to grow boobs, boys develop a deeper voice and there can be a lot of changes in their social life too. They may start secondary school, meet new friends and be confronted with insecurities and new changes they aren’t used to. For some teenagers, this could result in mood swings, rebellion and a lot of stress for the parents. If you have a difficult teenager at home, we have the perfect natural stress remedies for you!
How To Cope With Teenagers
Doors slamming, loud music, staying out (too) late with friends, secretly smoking… teenagers are up to anything and everything and coping with that as a parent can be challenging and frustrating. After all, it can be surprising when your children turn into rebels all of a sudden! So how do you actually deal with teenagers that cannot stand you interfering with their business?
The key to this is to set clear boundaries, without limiting your teenagers to explore themselves. Giving them a curfew is a great idea, as it gives them a boundary but make sure to keep it realistic, acceptable and appropriate to their age. Are all of their friends allowed to stay out until 10 pm on a Saturday night? Be a bit more relaxed about it, and allow your teenager to do the same. Or try having an honest conversation with your teenager to come up with boundaries that are acceptable for both parties. After all, you don’t want them to come home late and wake everyone up or hang around with people you don’t trust, but you don’t want to limit them too much in finding their true selves.
How To Relax When You Have A Rebellious Teenager
Don’t underestimate the stress that can come with having a teenager, we completely understand that you may worry yourself sick about their whereabouts. Even though it’s important to keep an eye out for your kids, even when they’re growing older, it’s equally important to take some time for yourself. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed with this new phase can cause anxiety or an uptight feeling. Try taking a long both on a Friday night, light some aromatherapy candles to lighten the mood and put on a face mask. Add a reassuring cup of tea (or glass of wine, whatever you prefer) and you’ll slowly feel the tension slide off your shoulders. Make sure to take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
Have you tried our DE-STRESS Aromatherapy Balm yet? This soothing blend promotes relaxation, calmness and a relief of stress. The perfect remedy if you’re dealing with a rebellious teenager at home. Apply the balm to your wrists, temples and neck or light the DE-STRESS Candle when taking a bath. Now, it’s time to inhale the scent deeply, take a moment to center your thoughts and exhale deeply as you step into a more relaxed state.
If you’re struggling to sleep well, especially with teenagers coming home late, our SLEEP WELL products may be a good fit for you. Available in a balm, candle and oil, the SLEEP WELL collection helps to relax your body and ease your mind, which should help you to fall asleep quicker. Who knows, you may not even wake up to the loud footsteps of your teenager when they finally come home.