After a year of lockdown-release, lockdown-release, working from home has become the new norm for many of us. In some ways it’s been a wake-up call to employers who have had to move into the 21st century and change their working practises. Before the global pandemic, having a workforce based at home was already the new thinking for increased employee satisfaction and productivity.
Working from home offers a multitude of benefits for employees and employers. Employees have a more flexible schedule, they can wear loungewear, commuting costs and travel time are eradicated, and there are zero office distractions. Employees feel more empowered because they feel trusted by their employer to get the work done, without a manager breathing down their neck, in their own time and on their own terms. Breakthroughs in technology have also made working from home so much easier. With advances in fibre optic broadband, shared programs like Google Docs and Zoom, Teams and Google Hang-out, we can access everything we need from our home office.
Employers benefit from a remote workforce too. It can save companies money. Retention also increases because it’s been shown that employees have better job satisfaction, a better work-life balance, freedom, flexibility and increased productivity when they work from home.
There are challenges to working from home though. When the work environment is on tap twenty-four seven and laptops can be accessed at any-time, the distinction between work and home can become blurred. It can be tempting to work through lunch and hard to leave work behind at the end of the day or during the weekend. It’s hard to switch off and this can lead to exhaustion and burn-out, so it’s important to set yourself some ground rules and clear boundaries.
How to Switch off From Work-Mode When Working From Home
1. Close Down that Laptop
It’s vital to set yourself realistic and reasonable working hours. You shouldn’t be working all day and all evening long. If you wouldn’t do it at the office, then don’t do it at home. That said, working from home is great because you can work flexible hours. If it works for you to get up early and do a few hours of work, and then work again later in the day, make that part of your working hours. Ensure that your employer and colleagues know that you’ll be available then.
When it’s time to clock off, close that laptop and switch off your work-phone. Don’t leave them running in the background so that you can go back and check them every so often. You won’t switch off and work will remain at the back of your mind. Shutting down work technology is a great way to mentally disconnect and move into home mode. The other thing is that if you continually answer work emails and telephone calls, you set a precedent and give the impression that you’re always available. It’ll become an expectation from your colleagues that they can access you anytime. Set clear boundaries and people will be more respectful.
2. Change of Clothes
People’s attitudes to clothes whilst working remotely varies. Some people love to take full advantage and its loungewear all the way. For others, they prefer to dress as if going to the office because this helps with getting into the work zone. A change of clothes at the end of the working day can certainly help with the mental transition into relaxation time.
3. Book Grey Time
You heard right! Book grey time into your diary. What does it mean? Grey time is a proper lunch break, a change of scenery, a walk or a meeting over coffee. It breaks up the day and allows you to re-energise and refocus. Equally, work better from home by mixing things up daily. A change of space, place, table location, direction of view or a change of room can help to refresh you too.
4. Use Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a fantastic aid to mood transition. So, when it’s time to shift mind-set from doing what you “have to do” to doing what you “want to do”, Scentered Escape Wellbeing Ritual Balm instantly transports you mentally to “me time”, whether that’s a yoga class or a good book. This enticing blend contains Oud, as used in Eastern spiritual practices to enhance clarity of mind, Sandalwood which is strengthening and beneficial for yoga and meditation practice, and Frankincense a grounding, balancing oil, useful for visualization.
Alternatively, try Scentered’s DE STRESS range. It’s a soothing blend, excellent for unwinding after a stressful day at work. This powerful aromatherapy blend features Chamomile to promotes calmness and Neroli and Mandarin to help soothe tension and support feelings of well-being. Why not try using our Destress Candle whilst you soak in the bath and leave daily stresses far behind.