Everyone experiences stress. Some stress is even good for us. The operative word here being ‘some’! On the odd occasion stress can help us respond to changes in life and is our body’s natural response to protecting us from harm. However, in modern life many of us are far exceeding our recommended dose of ‘some’ stress, and instead it has become a staple feeling in our lives, negatively impacting our health, relationships, careers and mental well-being.
When it comes to stress, there is a lot of talk surrounding the notion of alleviating stress. But like most problems we experience in our day to day lives, surely the art is in preventing stress, not simply treating it once it has already done the damage? To help you nip it in the bud, we have partnered with the London Wellness Centre to bring you 5 ways to prevent stress.
Change your habits to change your life
1. Eat healthy
Whilst eating healthily and stress seem relatively unrelated, they are in fact inextricably linked.
When we think of stress we often associate it with the external pressures such as our work environment, money, deadlines, the pandemic. What is often overlooked are the internal influences of stress such as how we eat, how our digestive system is functioning, our immune system and how our nervous system is performing.
The good news is that a few simple lifestyle changes such as improving your diet can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Change your habits to change your life. By eating fresh fruit and vegetables and a balanced diet you will be stabilizing your blood sugar levels, which in turn stabilizes your adrenal function, the bodily function that controls our response to stressors. Other top tips include not skipping meals and avoiding too much caffeine.
2. Sleep
I am sure by now we have all seen the effects of a bad night’s sleep first-hand. Raise your hand if you get cranky after going to bed too late? Raise your hand if you are more stressed after being woken up by your alarm clock a few hours too early? Raise your hand if… well I’m sure you’ve got the idea. Sleep is a big deal and a big game changer when it comes to preventing stress.
Getting a restful night’s sleep is one of the biggest antidotes to the negative effects of stress. It helps our immune system stay on top form, gives our body time to heal, our mind a time to rest, it is a mood booster, positively impacts on our relationships, aids with cognitive function, concentration levels and our ability to deal with stressors in a productive and healthy way. For some people though, simply ‘going to bed earlier’ isn’t always a viable option. To help those of us with overactive minds we have created our Home Spa DE-STRESS Relaxation Kit to help you transition from work life to home life. The combination of the physical repeat use of both the Lavender Wheat Bag and the relaxing DE-STRESS Balm is unique in providing a whole step series for relaxation and recovery. Right before bedtime, apply our SLEEP WELL Ritual Balm to help you drift off into a restful sleep, ready to take on the next day with a clear head and positive mind state.
3. Exercise
As you are reading this, are your shoulders up to your ears? Is your jaw clenched? Is your brow furrowed?
Stress is something that we hold in our muscles. Unknowingly it can manifest itself in our shoulders and back leading to back pain, jaw ache and headaches. Incorporating daily exercise, stretches and warm compresses such as our Lavender Wheat Bag can help to relieve back pain whilst the Lavender soothes muscles. Not only does regular exercise help our muscles tension to release, but it positively impacts our mental well-being, leading to less muscle tension, backaches and headaches. A positive cycle you definitely want to be part of.
4. Take time out
Taking time out is often one of the first courses of action once we experience burn out. Stress has become too much and has done the damage. It is only then that people recommend taking ‘time out’. When it comes to preventing stress, take measures into your own hands and ensure you are taking time to yourself to relax before you absolutely need to. Striking the perfect balance between work life and home life is a tricky balancing act. But just remember to tell yourself it is okay to prioritise self-care.
5. Be mindful
Lastly, be mindful. Being mindful involves paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and tuning into your mind and body. Practicing the art of mindfulness can help you to identify when you are becoming stressed, what is causing you to feel a certain way, and gives you the opportunity to respond to difficult decisions calmly and wisely.
In essence, the key to preventing stress is beautifully summed up in London Wellness Centre’s motto; move well, eat well, think well.