As January draws towards its end, how are we all doing?
Some us may be feeling pleased its nearly over, some may have a sense of renewal after making some lifestyle changes, others may feel like its just any other month.
As a team we have been using the different blends for different wellbeing pledges and to finish January we checked in with Lara to live a day in her life and how she uses the blends.
"I always get up early, I give myself the gift of me-time first thing, I apply and breathe with my HAPPY balm and the bathroom sink.
Sometimes I do my stretching and connect with the plans for the day, other times it might be a run or a swim.
I love coffee but have now managed to get consumption back under control, so enjoy a morning coffee as a reward for early email clearing. I then like to walk and talk my meetings, an inhale with the FOCUS balm kick starts me and my brain.
I like to have a full day and habitually check in with myself to ensure I am squeezing all I can out of life. I get to spend time working on brands and with people I love, which I feel very lucky about and one of the biggest kicks I get is seeing how I can help other people achieve their goals.
I am one of ‘those’ people who thrives on positive stress (albeit I do get things wrong and overload sometimes). But, when the afternoon lull hits, in the quest to try and avoid a love of carrot cake to DE-STRESS my mind I sometimes need the genius of this blend to keep me feeling calm and in control.
As I begin to wind down from work mode, ESCAPE is my go to for relaxation, taking a few balmy moments of relaxation and practising positive self-talk, this blend is my weekend go-to.
At bedtime time let someone know you love them, apply the SLEEP WELL balm, show yourself gratitude for achieving another amazing day. I am lucky I am asleep before my head hits the pillow but this is just the best ever sleep product and I never travel without it.
Not all days are even, (this is my go-to pocket rocket,) when you need a hug apply liberally your LOVE balm, this is a hug sent from me" x