Hello 2022, we’ve been waiting for you! With a new year comes many goals to which we are looking to achieve to better ourselves. Some of the most common ones being, exercising more, drinking less caffeine or taking some much needed time away from our phones. Whatever your goal is in 2022, we’re here to support you! In this article, we will be looking at how to stick to a New Year’s resolution, building a healthy habit, how aromatherapy can help you and even, offer some special help from the Scentered team!
How To Stick To A New Years Resolution
New Year’s Resolutions can be difficult to stick to, especially if they are brand new things that you are trying to include in your already busy lifestyle. A sure fire way to ensure that you stick to those all important resolutions, is to make a routine, which includes them. One of the reasons you may be struggling to keep on track, could be because you keep leaving them out of your day-to-day routine, meaning that your goals are getting forgotten about. Instead of trying to make them fit, why not try creating a new routine all together? This will ensure that you remember them and give you the best shot at achieving them! This January, we are offering 20% off any balm of your choice when you sign up to our mailing list. Keep reading to find out more…
Another great way to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions is to write them down. There is a lot of power in writing something down, as it automatically forces you to give it your full, undevoted attention. Not only that, but it helps us remember something better if we actively spend time thinking about it, wording it and then putting it down on paper. This year, try writing down your resolutions, then returning back to them at the end of every month to remind yourself and strategize on how to achieve your goals.
In addition, you can also tell your friends and family about your New Year’s resolutions. Telling people around you about what you are looking to get out of 2022, will make you less likely to succeed. This is because you will have more people holding you accountable and asking about how far you’ve come. As well as this, you may even spark something within other people and have them feeling inspired when it comes to working on their own goals!
Everything about Habit Building
Habits are something we all do, whether or not we realise it! When we get out of bed, brush our teeth, do our morning stretches and get ready to go to work, these are all habits we have built to benefit us in our day-to-day lives. When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s all about habit building and staying on track.
One of the number one ways to begin building a healthy habit is to gain clarity about what you want to do and how you will do it. This concept goes hand-in-hand with New Year’s resolutions and writing them down. Reiterating what we’ve said above, if you write down your goals, you will have a clear route mapped out for you, which ensures you know how and why you are looking to build that habit into your daily lifestyle.
So, how long does building a habit take? In truth, building a habit and the journey to do so, looks completely different for every person. Some individuals can begin doing something regularly, without thinking about it in as little as 21 days after they introduce it to their regime. However, it can take anywhere from two months to eight months for others. What’s important is staying consistent and reminding yourself regularly how better off you will be with new healthy and productive habits in place.
Aromatherapy for Memory Triggers
Using aromatherapy for things such as anxiety, insomnia and depression is nothing new if you have dabbled in these types of products before. But what about boosting moods and improving memory?
The power of smell can be really helpful when it comes to trying to remember something. We’ve all had it, where we smell something familiar and it brings our memories flooding back of events which remind of the scent. So, using aromatherapy to help you remember your New Year’s resolutions, could be a great way to stay on track. Whilst writing out your goals for 2022, why not try putting a scented balm on? Our FOCUS Wellbeing Ritual Aromatherapy Balm will help you maintain intent when it comes to working on your list about what you would like to achieve this year. When applied to your wrists, the back of your neck or your temples, the invigorating blend that will help direct your mind and boost concentration. You can use this product throughout the day whenever you need to refocus your efforts to accomplish the goals and tasks on your to-do list.
In addition, an aromatherapy balm can help you maintain a stress-free atmosphere that can make working out how you are going to achieve these goals feel less overwhelming. Our DE-STRESS Wellbeing Ritual Aromatherapy Balm has a remarkably soothing blend that promotes relaxation, calmness, and relief from stress. Aromatherapy products like this can be a great way to get you in the right headspace to stay committed.
Join Our January Campaign
To help you with all of your goals in 2022, we’ve set up a campaign where we can support you throughout your journey. This January, we are offering 20% off any balm of your choice when you sign up to our mailing list. But that’s not all…
You will also be joining our lovely online community, getting access to all our top tips, how to use videos, never before seen content and personal superpower journey diary entries from our wonderful team. Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, we’ve got an aromatherapy balm which will help you along the way.